I thought I was the only one to notice, but OMG this game cheats. I cant count how many times I have been sure I had the win (and I am no slouch at backgammon) only to find the AI had the PERFECT roll or rolls to get out if the situation and reverse the table on me. The odds are absolutely ASTOUNDING against, yet it will pull it off every time. Seriously… FIX THE FRIGGING AI! And to TOM, I call B.S. ! Seriously! I just played this game once to see if you fixed this PIECE OF GARBAGE EGO TRIP, and I had the AI with two uncovered, in my home, and I was working the last two pieces through. The AI rolled EXACTLY what was needed to trounce me. Left me with two in the back row while it bore off with 5 doubles in a row. I quit this game.
Maddog Fraggle about iGammon, v4.2